
Noticias | News:

7.11.2014: En la reunión de clausura se ha decidido que Fluidos 2016 se realice en La Plata, Argentina.

7.11.2014: The city of La Plata, Argentina, has been selected to host Fluidos 2016.


History of the meeting

The basic objective of the Fluidos meetings are: providing a forum to facilitate interaction between participants in a friendly academic atmosphere. This allowed for attending lectures and technical presentations on different subjects and from different points of view. The only constraint is the current academic/technical interest. Applications usually dealt with problems of local interest. The above mentioned objective complements with the following:

According to this, the activities are organized on the basis of invited lectures, contributed talks and poster sessions. Lectures are always plenary. The main interest is giving the audience the opportunity to learn about the state of the art in the selected topic and/or getting acquainted with local, well-established projects. On the other hand, the contributed talks and poster sessions enable the presentation of the results of significant researches and developments of a more restricted scope. Breaks and get-together activities offer additional opportunities to share professional skills and experience.

The Fluidos meetings originated from the initiative of a group of professors and researchers on fluid dynamics of the Universidad del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), the Comité Argentino de Transferencia de Calor y Materia (CAMAT) and the Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos (IFLYSIB), who organized the Primer Simposio Internacional sobre Problemas Actuales de la Física de Líquidos y sus Aplicaciones, in the city of Tandil in December, 1989. More than 70 researchers, graduates, engineers, advanced students, including researchers from USA and Chile, participated in this Symposium.

From 1991 to 1995, thanks to the efforts and dedication of Dr. Víctor Kuz, the second, third and fourth meetings were held in the city of La Plata with the sponsorship of CAMAT, IFLYSIB, UNCPBA and Universidad Nacional de la Plata. The organizing committees included Dr. Víctor A. Kuz from IFLYSIB, Dr. Roberto Gratton from UNCPBA, and Eng. J.C. Ferreri from CAMAT. During this period the objectives and guiding principles of the meeting mentioned above were forged.

The fifth meeting was held in Tunuyán, Mendoza, from November 10th to 13th, 1997 and was financially supported by the Universidad de Cuyo (UNCuyo). The local organization was presided by Dr. Adriana Fornés with the help of her research group. The venue was a hotel located in the first foothills of the Andes, 30 kilometres from the city of Tunuyán. The remote localization of the hotel contributed to a great extent to favour the establishment of links among all the participants since all of them took part in the scientific and social activities planned for these three days. A significant number of advanced students in Physics and Engineering, as well as young graduates from Mendoza and other Argentine provinces participated in this meeting.

The sixth meeting was held in Paraná from November 29th to December 2nd, 1999. The chosen venue for the meeting was Hostal Posta del Sol located in the outskirts of the city of Paraná and was organized by Dr. Fernando Saita and Dr. María Delia Giavedoni (INTEC, CONICET-UNL). This meeting was supported by the CERIDE (CONICET) and included more than ten conferences and twenty posters. The objective of facilitating the rapprochement of researchers from different areas of fluid dynamics was achieved once again.

The seventh meeting was held in the city of Buenos Aires from October 17th to 19th, 2001. The organization was presided by Eng. Juan Carlos Ferreri and the chosen location was a modern downtown hotel. The meeting was supported by the Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear Argentina (ARN), the Centro para la Investigación Industrial (CINI-Fudetec), the Consorcio de las Américas para las Ciencias Interdisciplinarias (University of New Mexico, USA), and the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE). A set of the presented works was published after appropriate referrals in “International Journal of Heat and Technology”.

The eight meeting was held in the city of Tandil form November 12th to 14th, 2003, at the Centro Cultural Universitario of the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA) in downtown Tandil. CONICET, UNCPBA and the Asociación Física Argentina (AFA) sponsored the meeting. Dr. Javier Diez, Dr. Alejandro G. González, Dr. Luis P. Thomas (IFAS, UNCPBA-CONICET) and Dr. Alejandro Clausse (PLADEMA, UNCPBA-CONICET) were in charge of the organization. The meeting was characterized by the participation of numerous and prestigious researchers from several countries (England, USA, Brazil) and from Argentine institutions, who gave 13 invited conferences covering a wide spectrum of subjects, from natural phenomena of environmental impact, hydrology, floods to human physiology problems or technical and architectural developments. There were 47 works presented as posters and a plethora of social and cultural activities.

The ninth meeting took place in the city of Mendoza from November 1st to 3rd, 2006, in the Facutad de Ingeniería (FI) of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. The meeting was organized by the group of Physics and Porous media (FI - UNCuyo) headed by Dr. Adriana Fornés and was sponsored by the Centro Latinoamericano de Física, and the ANPCyT. There were invited conferences by researcher from Venezuela, Brazil and the United Kingdom, as well as those from local researchers that covered a wide range of topics including complex fluids modelling, sever blockage in multiphase flows, non Newtonian models applied to thin liquid films, compressible fluid transport in long ducts, ultra hydrophobic biological surfaces, etc. More than 40 posters were submitted.

The tenth meeting took place in the city of Santa Fé from November 19th to 21st, 2008, in the Foro Cultural Universitario located downtown. The CONICET, the ANPCyT and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral were sponsors of the meeting. A compilation of the papers presented in this meeting were published, after proper referrals, in “Journal of Physics: Conference Series”.

The eleventh edition was held in 2010 in Colonia, Uruguay, a clear indicative of the interest of our Uruguayan colleagues on the subjects covered by the meeting, as demonstrated by their participation in Fluidos since 2003. The organizing committee was formed by Dr. Italo Bove, Dr. Cecilia Cabeza, Dr. Arturo Martí and Dr. Gustavo Sarasúa of the Universidad de la República. A compilation of the papers presented in this meeting were published, after proper referrals, in “Journal of Physics: Conference Series”.

The twelfth meeting took place in 2012 in Salón San Martín of the Legislative Palace of the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. The local organizers were Dr. Irene Ippolito, Dr. Mario Cachile, Dr. Carlos Perazzo, Dr. Ma. Alejandra Aguirre and Dr. Román Martino. Some of the work presented there were published in a special number of the Anales de la Asociación Física Argentina.